I've been out of the loop for too long to know what 'modern' Triumphs are like, reliabilitywise, but if you're looking at that sort of thing, an equivalent, or older, Honda may be easier to get on with. Triples suffer from predictable alternator drive failure, which gave the earlier Triumphs a bit of a headache. And while it may be a good tool in town, Norwich will still seem a long way away behind that screen. Which ever way, fill that parking space!
I've been out of the loop for too long to know what 'modern' Triumphs are like, reliabilitywise, but if you're looking at that sort of thing, an equivalent, or older, Honda may be easier to get on with. Triples suffer from predictable alternator drive failure, which gave the earlier Triumphs a bit of a headache. And while it may be a good tool in town, Norwich will still seem a long way away behind that screen. Which ever way, fill that parking space!