How much money will you spend on petrol driving your Volvo to your parents' and back to pick up logs? How much is your time worth fetching them? How does that compare with getting them delivered?
I spend about £300 a year on gas to heat my 2 bed flat. Mind you it is very well insulated.
Believe it or not I tend to go and see them anyway- so filling the boot with logs would be "free" essentially.
You paid £300 last year- that'll be £800 this year and £2,000 the year after that as you pay for all those useless solar panels that were installed over the past couple of years with subsidies that are now coming home to roost.
Believe it or not I tend to go and see them anyway- so filling the boot with logs would be "free" essentially.
You paid £300 last year- that'll be £800 this year and £2,000 the year after that as you pay for all those useless solar panels that were installed over the past couple of years with subsidies that are now coming home to roost.