Our block was put up in the 1930's and each flat has a chimney- around 80% of the flats have blocked them up at some point previously, but they are still there.
I'd like to plumb my woodburner into the existing chimney so I can go back to a more 1930's style of heating the flat- abundant "dry" heat, with the windows ajar to promote ventilation.
Our windows can either lock closed, or lock ~1cm open.
Our block was put up in the 1930's and each flat has a chimney- around 80% of the flats have blocked them up at some point previously, but they are still there.
I'd like to plumb my woodburner into the existing chimney so I can go back to a more 1930's style of heating the flat- abundant "dry" heat, with the windows ajar to promote ventilation.
Our windows can either lock closed, or lock ~1cm open.
We had a terrible mold problem when we moved in.