• #2
The axle used for the trailer wheel is 100mm, in the picture of it with my bike I am using a spare front wheel (hope pro2 to TN719) instead of the wheel that it comes with.
The idea here is that you would therefore have a spare rim/spokes/hub in case anything happened to one of your two "main" wheels, and be able to reach a resupply point without a potentially long walk.
• #3
• #4
• #5
Clever things these. Much like a car trailer they put a neutral weight on the rear axle. So the change to handling is minimised.
The backstory: TW2, Smallfurry and myself were in Norway earlier this year and (on a glorious day) we cycled up Trollstigen (lit. Troll ladder) which is a stunning climb.
At the top there is a visitors centre (in the popular Nordic Sparse Concrete mode), outside which were a number of bikes, one of which had a single wheeled trailer attached.
We marvelled at this, admired the design and came to the conclusion that it must be nicely manouverable and tolerably light even when packed - Trollstigen is not a minor climb.
Anyway, I bought one when I got home (from SJS cycles) which came with two 100% waterproof panniers in a rather cheerful yellow colour.
Mine doesn't have those panniers- it has these:
If you bought this trailer you would doubtless (and within weeks!) be doing cool stuff like this:
The trailer on it's own is £213.99 from SJS currently.
The trailer+panniers is available direct from Extrawheel for £285.
I would like £200 for the trailer+panniers.
It has been used precisely once- I rode from my house to Blue Door bikes, a distance of around 2 miles, where the trailer has stayed ever since.
The only reason that I am selling it is that Matt at Talbot is making me a slightly different version.