First 'barefoot' run last night. The fit and feel of the Skora shoes is brilliant. I'll definitly be buying them again. Set off feeling a touch unnatural, and uncertain how much to toe strike. After 1km I found a nice stride. Probably only landing my foot slightly forward of flat. Maybe with my heel 5mm above the ball of my foot. Seemed to give enough cushioning. Did 5km pretty easily. Dont feel too bad today.
First 'barefoot' run last night. The fit and feel of the Skora shoes is brilliant. I'll definitly be buying them again. Set off feeling a touch unnatural, and uncertain how much to toe strike. After 1km I found a nice stride. Probably only landing my foot slightly forward of flat. Maybe with my heel 5mm above the ball of my foot. Seemed to give enough cushioning. Did 5km pretty easily. Dont feel too bad today.