"Ask for a discount of 30 percent off of retail. Thirty percent probably amounts to the company’s employee discount, and it can probably handle one or two more of those without folding. Asking for thirty percent is another way to stand out among the true beggars, and shows you’re not greedy. The company will give more if it can, and it feels good for a business to feel like it’s going overboard for you. If thirty percent isn’t enough for you, don’t ask at all."
"Ask for a discount of 30 percent off of retail. Thirty percent probably amounts to the company’s employee discount, and it can probably handle one or two more of those without folding. Asking for thirty percent is another way to stand out among the true beggars, and shows you’re not greedy. The company will give more if it can, and it feels good for a business to feel like it’s going overboard for you. If thirty percent isn’t enough for you, don’t ask at all."
Much more here