I was sent this by a family member, from their friendly CSO
It was written in Comic Sans Font.
I puked a little.
That is brilliant. Hythe & Dibden have recently installed a couple of miles of on pavement cycle route (NCN2) it has dozens of junctions with undefined priority and a huge number of driveway crossings. If you ride on the road you now get hassled by faster traffic, if you accidently ride on a pavement it seems you will now be hassled by the pcso.
I am meant to be a ctc right to ride rep for this area in my spare time(??). I need to follow this up.
I once was stopped by a police sergeant as I rode on the only cycle contraflow in town. We had a nice chat about how the council put the sign on backwards after it had been knocked down. He said that he didn't really care as he was due to retire in 10 days after 30 years service. It's a wierd place, out there in the country.
That is brilliant. Hythe & Dibden have recently installed a couple of miles of on pavement cycle route (NCN2) it has dozens of junctions with undefined priority and a huge number of driveway crossings. If you ride on the road you now get hassled by faster traffic, if you accidently ride on a pavement it seems you will now be hassled by the pcso.
I am meant to be a ctc right to ride rep for this area in my spare time(??). I need to follow this up.
I once was stopped by a police sergeant as I rode on the only cycle contraflow in town. We had a nice chat about how the council put the sign on backwards after it had been knocked down. He said that he didn't really care as he was due to retire in 10 days after 30 years service. It's a wierd place, out there in the country.