So, after wanting to have a bit more control over my photos, I upgraded from a pretty basic point + shoot compact to a G9. I'm slowly getting to know it, but everything's still a bit luck rather than judgement. I'd be grateful for any constructive criticism you lot would care to offer. What do you like, dislike and why? What might I do well to consider in the future?
All pics are straight out of the camera, no digital processing.
So, after wanting to have a bit more control over my photos, I upgraded from a pretty basic point + shoot compact to a G9. I'm slowly getting to know it, but everything's still a bit luck rather than judgement. I'd be grateful for any constructive criticism you lot would care to offer. What do you like, dislike and why? What might I do well to consider in the future?
All pics are straight out of the camera, no digital processing.
St Alban's and the Kastellet, Copenhagen: