I've crashed it a few times.
I put it down to years of hard riding, some rust and perhaps being pulled in this area when it's locked. Not to say I was expecting it.
That said, a few weeks ago it did get a bit of a wobble on, which was unusual and a couple of times since then I thought it felt a little different at the front, but I didn't realise it was a warning.
It's Raleigh 18-23; obviously it's not worth getting the dt and the now bent tt replaced. I need a new frame.
I've crashed it a few times.
I put it down to years of hard riding, some rust and perhaps being pulled in this area when it's locked. Not to say I was expecting it.
That said, a few weeks ago it did get a bit of a wobble on, which was unusual and a couple of times since then I thought it felt a little different at the front, but I didn't realise it was a warning.
It's Raleigh 18-23; obviously it's not worth getting the dt and the now bent tt replaced. I need a new frame.