I’ve been thinking of building up a dedicated track bike for the winter / TT bike for the summer. With my accreditation coming up at Newport velodrome in a few weeks I thought it was time to find something suitable.
I looked for a few weeks and deliberated on whether to go for a complete build or get a frameset and get the joy of scouring for components and building it up. I happened to cast my eyes on this stealthy beauty from a local seller on ebay which was the perfect size and after waking up early in a hungover state and waiting till the final minute to cast the bid, its was mine!
Also I’ve managed to get a set of carbon clincher Navigators off eBay for a decent price but made the faux-par of not thinking of colour schemes! They also came fitted with Continental Supersonics so an ideal, light tyre for the boards.
I've got a set of Omniums on my other Dolan which I'm going to stick on here, but in terms of the other parts I won't be able to do the build justice to begin. Once its up on the track I can upgrade the parts when the cashflow is better! As the colours are such a clash I’m thinking of going down the primary colour route of red, yellow and blue and get a stem, bars, saddle with red detailing. Decisions…
I’ve been thinking of building up a dedicated track bike for the winter / TT bike for the summer. With my accreditation coming up at Newport velodrome in a few weeks I thought it was time to find something suitable.
I looked for a few weeks and deliberated on whether to go for a complete build or get a frameset and get the joy of scouring for components and building it up. I happened to cast my eyes on this stealthy beauty from a local seller on ebay which was the perfect size and after waking up early in a hungover state and waiting till the final minute to cast the bid, its was mine!
Also I’ve managed to get a set of carbon clincher Navigators off eBay for a decent price but made the faux-par of not thinking of colour schemes! They also came fitted with Continental Supersonics so an ideal, light tyre for the boards.
I've got a set of Omniums on my other Dolan which I'm going to stick on here, but in terms of the other parts I won't be able to do the build justice to begin. Once its up on the track I can upgrade the parts when the cashflow is better! As the colours are such a clash I’m thinking of going down the primary colour route of red, yellow and blue and get a stem, bars, saddle with red detailing. Decisions…