I think to use a motorised mount for this sort of work you'd need some pretty spendy gear of the sort that Thierry Legault uses. Even if you can find a mount that can slew at that sort of speed, it needs to be fantastically accurate and you also need to have the very latest up to date info on the ISS orbit, which keeps changing. Otherwise you'd run the risk of tracking the bit of space just behind the ISS. So I am happy just to have the scope mounted on a simple equatorial mount with the clutches undone.
I think to use a motorised mount for this sort of work you'd need some pretty spendy gear of the sort that Thierry Legault uses. Even if you can find a mount that can slew at that sort of speed, it needs to be fantastically accurate and you also need to have the very latest up to date info on the ISS orbit, which keeps changing. Otherwise you'd run the risk of tracking the bit of space just behind the ISS. So I am happy just to have the scope mounted on a simple equatorial mount with the clutches undone.