• #2
Just got my recent credit card bill - 88% was spent in bars or restaurants. That seems quite ridiculous. Most bills are direct debit so I'm not sure what that is as an overall factor but it's relatively high.
• #3
After bills and bikes, the rest goes towards renovating the new apartment and overpaying on the loan, so nothing gets transferred to the next month. I do put ~100£ more into my budget account than needed, so have a small buffer there...
• #4
after rent and bills, 90% goes on a combo of food shopping eating out and beer, whatever left goes on bike shit.
• #5
I seem to spend most money on flat whites, bitter and Japanese takeaways.
Currently have 67p savings. -
• #6
save 37% of gross pay
57% of net payover the last 3 years
• #7
Just got my recent credit card bill - 88% was spent in bars or restaurants. That seems quite ridiculous.
Is this surprising for a fatty? ;)
Seriously though I'm one of the middle two but the wording has confused me so I'm not sure which.
I know how much I save but I don't actually know the breakdown, I should really. Other half has just started recording everything he spends and doing a budget, I should probably do this really.
• #8
save 37% of gross pay
57% of net payover the last 3 years
Your Ti bike is due soon.
• #9
I dont work to want.
• #10
Salary to salary...
• #11
I try to save each month, but the amount I put away at the beginning of the month is almost always identical to the amount I need to bail myself out of poverty at the end of the month....
• #12
Always worth distressing yourself with;
from mrmoneymustache
• #13
Saving = losing value of money.
Any spare goes to something that may increase in value overtime like piece of art, member #2, vintage bike, vinyl, microcosm ...
What percentage of your outgoings do you let go of?
What do you spend it on? Break it down