due to some rationalization i'll have to let this frame go. fear not, my current track frame is taking it's place - project is moving on. the question is how much could this frame go for?
i spoke to the former importer of basso in argentina: the frame might have been ordered raw, chromed (i think fully as underneath some paintchips in the black areas the chrome shines through) and topped with a tinted clearcoat (=cromovelato). i suspect it was all gold and painted black afterwards. logos are handpainted, so might have had a sticker set at one time but modified to current state later.
due to some rationalization i'll have to let this frame go. fear not, my current track frame is taking it's place - project is moving on. the question is how much could this frame go for?
i spoke to the former importer of basso in argentina: the frame might have been ordered raw, chromed (i think fully as underneath some paintchips in the black areas the chrome shines through) and topped with a tinted clearcoat (=cromovelato). i suspect it was all gold and painted black afterwards. logos are handpainted, so might have had a sticker set at one time but modified to current state later.