• #32902
sorry TM but riding plastic wheels isnt fun. so bored of how flexy mine is, ruins the ride
looks CASH THO
slamming it down from massive wheelies can't be doing it good.
• #32903
• #32904
love discs and spoks on steel, epitome of slave imo, and the stem on that thing is ridiculously fat
you might like this one then - a reep along similar lines.
• #32905
it's a shame those forks are leader really
• #32906
Yep, saw a picture of that one earlier actually and reminded me of how much i like it, pretty much the perfect slave
The forks being leader really doesn't bother me, i don't dislike leader for their forks...
• #32907
has this setup been posted?
• #32908
That bottle on a seatpost mount. *claps
• #32909
^^ yes, every set up that frame has had has been posted
• #32910
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/884394_538131142932237_212081192_o.jpg -
• #32911
I like that rosko,
need some bigger pics though
the few rosko's I've seen look quite nice.
e.g. -
• #32912
I need that pelizzoli frame, really dig it. even the colorway
also need a drilled carbon fork for my rat
• #32913
Bit of an odd fashion taste though...
• #32914
good taste
• #32915
both of dem pelizzoli frames are beautiful.
want -
• #32916
Trackstanding in public spaces>>>>>>>>>>>
It's the sort of thing napoleon dynamite would learn to try and pick up chicks
• #32917
Do you only trackstand in your bedroom?
• #32918
umadbruv? i have a garage.
a track stand is for the track. anticpating the flow, maintaining momentum, conserving energy is where its at. road trackstands are for losers who don't know they're losers.
• #32919
Track standing extends cleat life... Trufax
• #32920
People who're grumpy because they can't trackstand>>>>>>>>>>>>
• #32921
trackstanding to maintain momentum is the new deal
• #32922
i no hand track stand at lights just so the nodders know how much cooler i am
• #32923
you need to be more poetic talking about these things man. look at fxdstar.
• #32924
umadbruv? i have a garage.
a track stand is for the track. anticpating the flow, maintaining momentum, conserving energy is where its at. road trackstands are for losers who don't know they're losers.
I hate to tell you that a track is a public space. So track standing at the track is bad form?
• #32925
I also trackstand at the lights as it helps me to catch up with the RLJing nodders quicker when I don't need to worry about clipping in.
love discs and spoks on steel, epitome of slave imo, and the stem on that thing is ridiculously fat