A little update, after fretting about the flood risk for 3 weeks, we've decided to pull out - not an easy decision considering how much the market has moved on since we put the offer in back in July.
We were completely torn, Mrs Oat + family were for it, my friends and I were against it.
Save yourselves a huge amount of extra stress by knowing the risks beforehand. Frustratingly we found out a week before exchange.
A little update, after fretting about the flood risk for 3 weeks, we've decided to pull out - not an easy decision considering how much the market has moved on since we put the offer in back in July.
We were completely torn, Mrs Oat + family were for it, my friends and I were against it.
Save yourselves a huge amount of extra stress by knowing the risks beforehand. Frustratingly we found out a week before exchange.
Flood maps here:
The dark blue bits *without *the cross hatching are the ones to worry about.