Hmmm The thing I would be careful with is your other halfs drive out of Reading, as it can get massively jammed up for drivers - on a bad day can take an hour to get from the centre to the M4, which would normally take less than 10 minutes.
Calcot and places like Burghfield are on the west of Reading and within 20 minutes cycle of the station, but have zero character or community to speak of (basically bug housing estates), bits of Tilehurst are OK, and commutable both way.
As the Constable says, there really are pockets of shitness all over Reading, literally a case of going and looking. Just avoid Oxford Road, Whitley and having to drive a long way up Bath Road.
Hmmm The thing I would be careful with is your other halfs drive out of Reading, as it can get massively jammed up for drivers - on a bad day can take an hour to get from the centre to the M4, which would normally take less than 10 minutes.
Calcot and places like Burghfield are on the west of Reading and within 20 minutes cycle of the station, but have zero character or community to speak of (basically bug housing estates), bits of Tilehurst are OK, and commutable both way.
As the Constable says, there really are pockets of shitness all over Reading, literally a case of going and looking. Just avoid Oxford Road, Whitley and having to drive a long way up Bath Road.