Funnily enough, art and its process doesn't have to be relevant to be good. Besides, you could dismiss such painstaking realism as empty craft or process, but for many artists (who I would very much hesitate to call 'not REAL artists lol') the craft or process informs the art and visa versa.
Obviously there is shit, boring art like these drawings, or the 'omg he's paintstakingly made a portrait of Darth Vader out of rubiks cubes/toast/buttons', but manual painstaking process and great interesting works of art aren't mutually exclusive, even now.
Funnily enough, art and its process doesn't have to be relevant to be good. Besides, you could dismiss such painstaking realism as empty craft or process, but for many artists (who I would very much hesitate to call 'not REAL artists lol') the craft or process informs the art and visa versa.
Obviously there is shit, boring art like these drawings, or the 'omg he's paintstakingly made a portrait of Darth Vader out of rubiks cubes/toast/buttons', but manual painstaking process and great interesting works of art aren't mutually exclusive, even now.