having to visit CPH very frequently and haemorraghing dkk every time i've been struggling with ways to reduce costs .. already staying in the cheap, or more accurately less-expensive-than-other, hotels on what i think is probably hooker street, the one result so far is a tiny chinese take out/ 3 table restaurant called 'noodle house' which serves the best chinese food i've had anywhere at what for CPH is at cheap prices, 2 mins walk from central stn, address - Abel Cathrines Gade 23 1654 København
any tips welcome.
i'm doing about 1.5-2 times a 3 zone klippenkort every visit and figuring i should probably just bring over a beater next time or pick one up here but need some advice on where to leave it locked up so iit won't be completely exposed to the elements, outside central stn would be ideal but there's no cover and it will rust like crazy.....
I will try out the Noodle House - bike thiefs haunts the Central station and Nørreport, so make sure it's a beater and it has no fancy parts installed. And somehow locked on to something :]
I will try out the Noodle House - bike thiefs haunts the Central station and Nørreport, so make sure it's a beater and it has no fancy parts installed. And somehow locked on to something :]