So for a while I've been lusting after a tarck frame to use down the tarck. But I've finally realised that this year its not gonna happen. Money is getting hoovered up by other things so I thought why not make my current bike do both things I want it too.
Plus until I clear some stuff, I just dont have the space for another bike that is gonna get occasional use.
So my Brooklyn Gangsta is going under the knife so to speak.
I've wanted to stick a disc on the front for a while, but after being advised not to braze anything onto the current forks, I was at a kinda dead end as to how I was gonna keep the same look but with the discovery of Ted James fork Im able to keep the same look and get a disc on the front.
Its current build which I ride my road miles training and commuting on is something like this.
Gangsta Track V1
BMW Flat Forks with V-Brake mounts brazzed on.
Phil Woods on Velocitys
Miche Cranks
Renthal Riser bars.
Just a very samey same build as lot of people.
So for the road Im gonna have
Ted James Forks
Shimano Saint 160mm disc
Renthal riser bars and Thomson Stem to lengthen it up at the front
Phil Wood Disc hub on maybe another velocity but Im keen for a H+ for a little more depth.
Phil Wood on the back
Then for when I hit the track
Gonna cut off the braze on that are already fitted to the fork
Drop Bars/Thomson stem
Navigator Wheels on some sorta clicher velodrome tyres
Long term goal is to get a Kalvinka carbon track frame but that'll be next year at the earliest.
So for a while I've been lusting after a tarck frame to use down the tarck. But I've finally realised that this year its not gonna happen. Money is getting hoovered up by other things so I thought why not make my current bike do both things I want it too.
Plus until I clear some stuff, I just dont have the space for another bike that is gonna get occasional use.
So my Brooklyn Gangsta is going under the knife so to speak.
I've wanted to stick a disc on the front for a while, but after being advised not to braze anything onto the current forks, I was at a kinda dead end as to how I was gonna keep the same look but with the discovery of Ted James fork Im able to keep the same look and get a disc on the front.
Its current build which I ride my road miles training and commuting on is something like this.
Gangsta Track V1
BMW Flat Forks with V-Brake mounts brazzed on.
Phil Woods on Velocitys
Miche Cranks
Renthal Riser bars.
Just a very samey same build as lot of people.
So for the road Im gonna have
Ted James Forks
Shimano Saint 160mm disc
Renthal riser bars and Thomson Stem to lengthen it up at the front
Phil Wood Disc hub on maybe another velocity but Im keen for a H+ for a little more depth.
Phil Wood on the back
Then for when I hit the track
Gonna cut off the braze on that are already fitted to the fork
Drop Bars/Thomson stem
Navigator Wheels on some sorta clicher velodrome tyres
Long term goal is to get a Kalvinka carbon track frame but that'll be next year at the earliest.