So a seatpost with a removable battery pack could work nicely, rather then plugging in the 'whole' bike or removing the seatpost every use.
Weird and unpractical idea, but could be a handy feature>
Original idea was to install a USB point for rear light and one for front light (running cable through frame) with a removable battery pack (rather then removing both lights). When lights aren't being used through USB that power could be used for boosting other electrical devices
So a seatpost with a removable battery pack could work nicely, rather then plugging in the 'whole' bike or removing the seatpost every use.
Weird and unpractical idea, but could be a handy feature>
Original idea was to install a USB point for rear light and one for front light (running cable through frame) with a removable battery pack (rather then removing both lights). When lights aren't being used through USB that power could be used for boosting other electrical devices