Think you can find a savings account that will give you that rate of return and if in an ISA wrapper it would be free of capital gains.
But if you invested in FTSE 100 tracker which the value can go up and well as down (to zero), but Id suggest that carries a far lower risk the chance any home you buy has subsidence.
I just did a DCF valuation over a 30 year projection with following assumptions:
My LTV, interest rate, operating expenses and estimated WACC
1% per annum growth in house price
Cost of renting would be equal to cost of mortgage repayments for like for like property
Which gave me an IRR of 3.1 percent. Are there any equally stable investment opportunities that would give a better rate of return if I rented and stuck our deposit into those instead?
Think you can find a savings account that will give you that rate of return and if in an ISA wrapper it would be free of capital gains.
But if you invested in FTSE 100 tracker which the value can go up and well as down (to zero), but Id suggest that carries a far lower risk the chance any home you buy has subsidence.
In the last 10 years this has given close to 50% return