A bit more work on it today when I got home. Have repainted the forks a couple of times. In the end I decided that white looks best.
Also fitted down tube levers and stripped, cleaned and reassembled a couple of Shimano 600 brake calipers and a Titec seat post. I think I'll use the R500 rear wheel but the only thing I know about the front is it won't be the Campag Vento that is in the photo! The bars in the mock up are a set of old 3T and I'll probably use them and the brake levers that are on there.
Might get it finished tomorrow - first job will be to cut the steerer down.
A bit more work on it today when I got home. Have repainted the forks a couple of times. In the end I decided that white looks best.
Also fitted down tube levers and stripped, cleaned and reassembled a couple of Shimano 600 brake calipers and a Titec seat post. I think I'll use the R500 rear wheel but the only thing I know about the front is it won't be the Campag Vento that is in the photo! The bars in the mock up are a set of old 3T and I'll probably use them and the brake levers that are on there.
Might get it finished tomorrow - first job will be to cut the steerer down.