• #153
Is that Liz from Bikeright with Sir Lord Tsar Chris? What was the story /context?
• #154
Right there -
• #155
Is that Liz from Bikeright with Sir Lord Tsar Chris? What was the story /context?
• #156
good on you Scouseland
• #158
Greg Woodford will run the ‘The CTC Commuter Tutor’ course for a group, who will be able to sign up for free at the Fresher’s Fair.
A group? 12 riders is that?
• #159
Discussion on LBC now.
• #161
...As does Jasmine Gardiner in the Evening Standard
http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/health/women-ride-for-your-life-how-to-cycle-safely-in-london-8855636.html -
• #166
Hah! won't last long, they tried to offer Cycle Training as part of their sales, but they ditched it as soon as they realised it wasn't profitable.
• #167
3 Seminars with Evans and Cycle Training UK
Punters enjoyed them
Evans blog post here:
http://blog.evanscycles.com/urban_cycling/cycle-safety-seminars-in-evans-cycles-stores/ -
• #168
BBC Radio Bristol will have a piece on driver training between 7.30 and 9am.
• #170
Good script. Like. Will share
• #171
Bikeability film
removed? wah gwan? -
• #172
Problem some local authority issue...? too many stunts not enough road riding with helmets and hi viz?
Will check with Colin from Devon...
• #173
it was good in that, he was a skilled kid doing what he likes,
but the bits between his sites, hes on road, and hes looking and doing every day cycling,
wasnt any marketing wank, just good -
• #174
Yes. I thought too.. would impress young people quite inspiring. Hope they didn't pull it for some crap pc reason or health n safety (can't have copy cat stunts)
• #175
The film was removed because...
A senior figure had concerns so [they] have had to pull it.
There was a piece in 'The Wharf' paper by or about a guy named James something or other at the weekend. Number one thing to do in East London I think...Anyone see it?