• #226
• #227
all the replies here make it true
Ah, if only "It holds true for this small sample" was accepted as proof of anything.
• #228
ending up with 2 "race belts"
Triathlon thread >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
• #229
Sunday day, let's polo. Monday morning hangover, drink Nuun.
• #230
all the replies here make it true
I only replied here because Vlchio asked for some feedback in-thread that the nuuuuuuuuun guys are reading.
• #231
Awaiting my Nuun package, hope they come today.
• #232
Ah, if only "It holds true for this small sample" was accepted as proof of anything.
But as a sponsored message, should it not be presented as such?
• #233
I don't think LFGSS is getting anything from nuun.
• #234
But as a sponsored message, should it not be presented as such?
Hmm, are you under the impression Nuun have paid to sponsor us, or even approached us?
It really is a case of me phoning them and asking for a discount. Because I genuinely do like their product and I genuinely do like the users of this site and this seems to me to be a worthwhile thing to try to do, to get all of you a discount.
You're still paying, you're still the customer, and the product is still the Nuun tablets.
That the discount is so substantial is why I then put it in the email, put it in the header, and want to tell more of the people that visit this site.
It's a good product, we've got a hellagood discount, so yeah I'm shouting it.
But Nuun haven't paid (though I perhaps could charge companies a lot for such exposure), and Nuun didn't approach me or suggest this (though if they had I would've taken them up on it as I don't think it tarnishes us to have a discount for a product I and others here like).
That I'm grateful for such a discount, is why I think it is worth then showing that gratitude to Nuun, to say thanks for clearly taking a hit by giving everyone here a discount.
Yes they might get some new and returning customers out of it, but if that happens that speaks of the product they make and little else.
So I'm not sure what you're driving at. This is as clear as it seems, nothing ulterior has occurred, no money has been exchanged except that from customers buying a product at a discount.
• #235
And if and when companies do approach me and any money exchanges hands, I will make that abundantly clear.
• #236
yes they are reluctant to support with anything but product but I know they have been sending stuff out asking for endorsement the past two years. A plug post and a nother plug in the site header made me draw that conclusion.
Sorry if I came off a bit obstinate here. I'm aware that velocio is trying to make a living of this place and the fact that I really disliked the tabs might have maken my responses a bit sour :P The site as such is full of endorsements and their opposites but i'm still of the opinion that if they are paid for, in money or product, they should be presented as such.
• #237
happy to put a Nuun sticker on my bike for a small fee..
• #238
Actually when I approached Nuun the initial response was that they were no longer doing such endorsements and sending things out, and I knew that High 5 are really pushing hard with a big budget and that it would've been a no-brainer to get product + discount + payment from High 5.
Seriously, Nuun products, the Nuun guys (small company, no big bucks), the idea that it's every day hydration... this all chimes with me. I like their product, so I pushed hard to get something worked out.
The hookup came from me, and I accepted no money at all.
The endorsement is based on my personal recommendation, and nothing else, but was inspired by the recent Pact promotion.
And if I could do the same and sort out everyone on LFGSS with discounts for other stuff a lot of us like, then I would. I see no issue with championing good products and getting more people to try them.
I do agree with you on financial incentive though, but I can assure you none exists. That is not the way I operate.
• #239
Most selling consumables like hydration tabs give out samples. They need new users to try their product, and users of competitor tabs a reason to break a habit.
A 50% disount on as much as you want goes a bit beyond this IMHO. So cheers nuun. Much abliged.
Theres also honesty in promoting (if indirectly) something you genuinely rate highly, and believe in.
Just my 2p
Also. Bump on the Clif bars suggestion. I'm addicted to them, they are by far the best sports food IMO.
• #240
so when do we get the 50% off rapha?
• #241
Given the thread is called "Rapha, overpriced 'n' DancingJames wears it" I don't think we'll be getting much support.
• #242
• #243
• #244
Now to change 50% of user avatars to Nuun... £££ rollin' in...
• #245
Foffa gets mentioned a lot.
• #246
we direct a lot of traffic to bikeradar too. gotta be worth some dosh.
• #247
Foffa gets mentioned a lot.
Yes, I would discount them as a viable cycling brand.
• #248
Received today with free bidon. Nice one guys.
• #249
Now obsessed with checking my wee colour thanks to Nuun website.
Mine arrived, at home awaiting me.
Friday packages ftw. -
• #250
Received today with free bottle.
The box it came (and weight) make it look a lot like it has a mobile phone in it. Unsurprising it had been prised open so you could see what was inside. Is it possible to complain about things like this to RM?