alright all you fakenger lawyers out there, I know how you afford those hubs and all that rapha. Answer me something without charging 800 an hour you scum.
So, I had a conversation witha non cyclist today and it made me wonder. They suggested that if i'm filtering and a pedestrian walks out from behind a bus or a van without looking, then it's automatically my fault because pedestrians always have right of way and are considered the most vunerable road users. And if i can't stop given 2 meters and no notice, then i'm speeding.
Also, if the rider, or if the pedestrian gets hurt or a bike is damaged in a senario like this would it even be possible to handle it like an incident involving a motor vehichle? Insurance or anything? criminal charges of wreckless riding, or being a dickhead idiot who walked out into traffic like a twat without even looking cunt!
We all know that cyclist are my far the most vulnerable and least dangerous road user. Does the law even consider pedestrians road users at all? they ain't even got wheels man.
i don't want to get into what big holes most pedestrains in london are and how most of them have no regard for riders safety and how surprisingly often they try and have you off and how we can't ever say anything because the can just say we go through red lights and how it's killing childeren and get liscences and helmets, and you can't sit there, no ball games, no fun, don't do that, go away. I feel we should avoid that.
Maybe a clever person could get some nice statistics of wether the law favours cyclists or pedestrians and if anyone ever get's hurt by bikes, i can't really see a pedestrain coming of worse that a rider though.
alright all you fakenger lawyers out there, I know how you afford those hubs and all that rapha. Answer me something without charging 800 an hour you scum.
So, I had a conversation witha non cyclist today and it made me wonder. They suggested that if i'm filtering and a pedestrian walks out from behind a bus or a van without looking, then it's automatically my fault because pedestrians always have right of way and are considered the most vunerable road users. And if i can't stop given 2 meters and no notice, then i'm speeding.
Also, if the rider, or if the pedestrian gets hurt or a bike is damaged in a senario like this would it even be possible to handle it like an incident involving a motor vehichle? Insurance or anything? criminal charges of wreckless riding, or being a dickhead idiot who walked out into traffic like a twat without even looking cunt!
We all know that cyclist are my far the most vulnerable and least dangerous road user. Does the law even consider pedestrians road users at all? they ain't even got wheels man.
i don't want to get into what big holes most pedestrains in london are and how most of them have no regard for riders safety and how surprisingly often they try and have you off and how we can't ever say anything because the can just say we go through red lights and how it's killing childeren and get liscences and helmets, and you can't sit there, no ball games, no fun, don't do that, go away. I feel we should avoid that.
Maybe a clever person could get some nice statistics of wether the law favours cyclists or pedestrians and if anyone ever get's hurt by bikes, i can't really see a pedestrain coming of worse that a rider though.
I'd also like to apologise for being so sensible.