PCSO's requests

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  • Do you have to stop for a PCSO if while cycling along they command you to do so?

    I'm not sure I went past one the other day, I had my headphones on.. but i think they wanted a word.

    Infact not sure if they were a PCSO or actual Bill - they look the same to me.

    I was negotiating other road traffic at the time - think they might have been upset about some minor RLJing

  • You're pretty much required to stop for them.

    The following are also criminal offences under Police Reform Act 2002:

    • failing to provide personal details upon request to a PCSO
    • failing to provide correct personal details upon request to a PCSO
    • failing to comply to detention or arrest instructions of a PCSO

    Again, individuals can be detained and subsequently arrested for failing to comply with, or contravening the powers of a PCSO.

  • Yes.

    You're now a fugitive and connected to the internet. They know where you are.


  • i think as long as you scream "fuck you, fake rozza!" you're fine to just ride on past

  • I prefer "Fuck off, Hobby Bobby! Get a real job!"... They hazn't catched me yet...

  • You're pretty much required to stop for them.

    The following are also criminal offences under Police Reform Act 2002:

    []failing to provide personal details upon request to a PCSO
    ]failing to provide correct personal details upon request to a PCSO
    [*]failing to comply to detention or arrest instructions of a PCSO

    Again, individuals can be detained and subsequently arrested for failing to comply with, or contravening the powers of a PCSO.

    Never knew that, I always thought COPO were there to act as a kind of minor deterrent and the only thing that made them different from the public was a uniform and the ability to get the real police to actually arrive quickly.

  • There was one guy you used to try and get me to stop going the wrong way around Brixton roundabout on my BMX (I know, out-ra-geous!), a sharp "fuck off!" coupled with the forks meant he never bothered me again... Ponces, the lot of 'em*...
    ** I've eaten four custard donuts today and finding it hard to come down...*

  • You're pretty much required to stop for them.

    The following are also criminal offences under Police Reform Act 2002:

    []failing to provide personal details upon request to a PCSO
    ]failing to provide correct personal details upon request to a PCSO
    [*]failing to comply to detention or arrest instructions of a PCSO

    Again, individuals can be detained and subsequently arrested for failing to comply with, or contravening the powers of a PCSO.

    i am pretty sure you don't just have to go wrong giving your details to cops or wannabe's without good reason..

    this isn't berlin 1939 yet/

  • I've ridden past on a couple of occasions, fuck 'em

  • Watched a line of 10, yep thats 10 bicycle dibbles(unsure if hobby or real) riding very slowly down rectory road. Overtook the lot of em with fag hanging out of mouth giving them a cheery wave and a cry of 'put yer back into it chaps' before watching the sorry morons ride down the left hand side of a skip truck at the lights.

  • Watched a line of 10, yep thats 10 bicycle dibbles(unsure if hobby or real) riding very slowly down rectory road. Overtook the lot of em with fag hanging out of mouth giving them a cheery wave and a cry of 'put yer back into it chaps' before watching the sorry morons ride down the left hand side of a skip truck at the lights.


  • Watched a line of 10, yep thats 10 bicycle dibbles(unsure if hobby or real) riding very slowly down rectory road. Overtook the lot of em with fag hanging out of mouth giving them a cheery wave and a cry of 'put yer back into it chaps' before watching the sorry morons ride down the left hand side of a skip truck at the lights.



  • Today was weird on the roads, saw an unusual amount of bill out on their bikes riding around with no air in their tyres looking uncomfy as hell. Missed out the rlj hunters but i dunno, seemed to be a lot around today. Popo cycling proficiency test day?
    The 10 on rectory this morn kinda didn't make sense. They were friendly enough while i was overtaking and cheering them on but the one in the lead gave me a dirty look at the lights when i neg repped him for leading his crew down the suiside of the truck.
    Should have rlj'd the chump to see if they'd give chase, i assume in this case they just get a car/moto to chase you down... Would have been funny as hell to do the whole length of amhurst road with a hi-vis comet tail behind me sweating it out to catch up.

  • The 10 on rectory this morn kinda didn't make sense. They were friendly enough while i was overtaking and cheering them on but the one in the lead gave me a dirty look at the lights when i neg repped him for leading his crew down the suiside of the truck.


    I'm assuming you didn't ask his forum name then log on from the nearest wireless point and rep him, what did you actually say?

  • Today was weird on the roads, saw an unusual amount of bill out on their bikes riding around with no air in their tyres looking uncomfy as hell. Missed out the rlj hunters but i dunno, seemed to be a lot around today. Popo cycling proficiency test day?
    The 10 on rectory this morn kinda didn't make sense. They were friendly enough while i was overtaking and cheering them on but the one in the lead gave me a dirty look at the lights when i neg repped him for leading his crew down the suiside of the truck.
    Should have rlj'd the chump to see if they'd give chase, i assume in this case they just get a car/moto to chase you down... Would have been funny as hell to do the whole length of amhurst road with a hi-vis comet tail behind me sweating it out to catch up.

    "I'm flowin', I'm flowin' ya know? I got a Litespeed titanium frame..."

  • haha..

    I'm assuming you didn't ask his forum name then log on from the nearest wireless point and rep him, what did you actually say?

    Seeing as i just said hi when overtaking i figured it'd be safe to stop and chat at the lights.
    Simply said 'excuse me sir, but don't you think it was a little irresponsible taking your chaps down the inside like that? There was plenty of space on the right and you guys wouldn't all be bunched up in a line down his left' - no sarcasm or anything, just asked the question in a friendly way.
    Cue sour look from leader and confusion on the face of the others. Light changes, i shrug my shoulders and cut left onto amhurst and pottle off. Were nowhere to be seen at next lights so i guess they were going straight over or right. The skip truck did turn left however as it overtook me a little way down amhurst(left me shitloads of room actually).
    Kinda worried that no-ones told em its dangerous down that side. Can't remember if theres a little green death lane on that juntion or not :/

  • And a nice police story to end the evening.
    Just rode the whole length of the chaos that is church street at the moment with a police car behind. Spotted them behind the bus and knew that after the bus pulled in just after stokey high street he'd be behind me, rode a bit more to the left to let him pass but he didn't seem to want to. Noticed loads of traffic behind them but they just kept it back at my pace(quite nippy this eve) and i had the road to myself all the way from where the roadworks start to where it joins green lanes. No being squeezed into the horrific pot holes and gouges in the road, weaving around as i pleased knowing they were just far enough away that it was all good, kept it safe and skid free and just got through it in one fell swoop. Not even a pizzaped or another cyclist the whole way. Tip o' the cap at the lights and they were off. Been on my bike for about 8 hours today but coming home was the best bit. I have also been to the pub.

    Please train the ones on bikes to be as savvy as those ones.

  • I was sent this by a family member, from their friendly CSO

    It was written in Comic Sans Font.

    I puked a little.

    Hythe and Dibden Parish Council - Community Safety Team
    Community Messaging Service

    Good evening all

    Is it just me – or have the evenings suddenly “drawn in” and it is getting much darker much sooner ?

    Yesterday evening, whilst creeping around in the dark, I saw one of the closest “close shaves” I have ever seen.

    A pedal cyclist was pedalling with some gusto down a street in The Parish.
    A car travelling in the opposite direction started to turn right into the driveway of a house and suddenly realised that the pedal cyclist was travelling across his front.
    The car driver braked VERY hard – and the cyclist wobbled and almost fell from his machine.

    You could say that the car driver should have been more careful and more observant but, as a witness to this event, I didn’t see the cyclist until he was caught in the headlights of the car which nearly hit him.

    The reason neither the car driver or I saw him was………it was a dark evening, the street lighting was not brilliant, large trees in the street caused “pools” of darkness between the street lights, the pedal cycle was all black, the cyclists was dressed entirely in very dark clothing and…………he had no lights on his bike.
    He was a “respectable” and mature man whom you would have expected to know better.

    In conversation (once everyone had recovered from the shock) the cyclist agreed that he could have been killed or, at least, have suffered life changing injuries.
    Had he suffered life changing injuries – his life and his quality of life would never have been the same again – but he could have expected a sum of cash from the driver’s insurance company.

    But……….any Court awarding a sum of compensation will consider the circumstances and the fact that the cyclist contributed to his own misfortune and subsequent situation would probably reduce the sum awarded to reflect the cyclists contribution to the circumstances leading to the situation.

    How much does a set of cycle lights cost?
    How much trouble is it to switch them on?
    Is it really that “un-cool” to put lights on your bike ?

    When it comes to law enforcement and Policing priorities – sorting out cyclists on a “blind bike” is probably way down the list of things that need to be done.

    But when these things happen……..the person on the bike is not going to be the ONLY person who is potentially severely affected by the consequences.


    Following on from “blind bikes” :-

    Early this morning I was out and about again (we really DO put in some hours for The Parish) and wandering around observing the morning “rush”.
    As time wore on children started making their way to school – many of them were riding pedal cycles and quite a few of them were riding those cycles along footpaths.
    You know what is coming next, don’t you ?

    A lad on a pedal cycle trying to negotiate his way past some pedestrians on the footpath – i.e. pedestrians using the footpath designed for people on foot to walk along – had a bit of a “wobble” and collided with a pedestrian.

    Many pedestrians are older people who no longer drive (particularly the short distances that many on the “school run” seem to have to do) and a lump of metal topped off by a load of flesh and bone colliding with an older persons can cause serious injury and have far reaching consequences.

    On this occasion we got it all sorted out and everyone went on their way……….but it could, very easily, have had a different outcome.

    I appreciate that some parents have very real concerns about their children riding a cycle on thee road – and I fully understand those concerns.

    BUT……..can you please ask your children to bear in mind that the footpath is designed for people on foot and it is not (unless properly designated as such) a “cycleway”.
    Can you ask your children to ensure that, when approaching pedestrians – or approaching a corner where they could encounter pedestrians – they slow down and make their way CAREFULLY past the pedestrians.

    BUT………it might be a good idea to check that your home insurance has a hefty “third party liability” provision included in it – or you have separate insurance for third party liability. If a pedestrians gets injured by a cycle on a footpath, someone will be paying compensation for the injuries received and, in the case of children, that person is usually the parent.

    With a little thought – and a little care – pedestrians and child cyclists can get along harmoniously


    And then, by sheer coincidence, I receive this email :-

    Is it now legal for Adults to Cycle on Pavements designed only for pedestrians ?
    (dual purpose “cycle ways” being exempt of course)

    The reason being that I am continually being Dive Bombed by "Adults" on bicycles quite often from behind with no warning whatever!
    On other occasions I am being forced into the road by Self Propelled Road Vehicles to avoid collision.
    If it is still illegal, as it was when I was a Club Cyclist riding in excess of 5,000 miles per year< what is the correct course of action in such situations?

    I am sure than nobody will be surprised that the answer is – it is illegal for a pedal cycle to be ridden along a footpath designated for use by pedestrians.
    Although we have to be understanding and accommodating about children on cycles being kept off the road (provided they take care when passing pedestrians) adults should NOT be riding pedal cycles on footpaths.

    When we speak to them about this the excuses usually are :-

    “I have no lights”……..so that will be TWO offences you are committing then ?
    “It is too dangerous on the road”………usually when this conversation is taking place we are passed by cyclists riding along the road wearing high-visibility clothing, cycle helmets and (if dark) displaying lights…………which the characters on the footpath are not usually wearing or displaying.


    That’s it for tonight folks……..got to get back out of patrol again.
    In this job early starts do not mean early finishes – but we do it just for you – not anyone else – just you!

    Enjoy your evening !


  • Choist you just typed all that in?

  • ^ & ^^ Thankfully I can use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to transfer text directly from email to forum.

  • Is it just me – or have the evenings suddenly “drawn in” and it is getting much darker much sooner ?

  • ^ & ^^ Thankfully I can use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to transfer text directly from email to forum.

    Yeah know you got the skillz ;) ...mad tales though, no idea what's going on in that pretend rozzers head, he make no sense, where would you even start in reply??

  • And a nice police story to end the evening.
    Just rode the whole length of the chaos that is church street at the moment with a police car behind. Spotted them behind the bus and knew that after the bus pulled in just after stokey high street he'd be behind me, rode a bit more to the left to let him pass but he didn't seem to want to. Noticed loads of traffic behind them but they just kept it back at my pace(quite nippy this eve) and i had the road to myself all the way from where the roadworks start to where it joins green lanes. No being squeezed into the horrific pot holes and gouges in the road, weaving around as i pleased knowing they were just far enough away that it was all good, kept it safe and skid free and just got through it in one fell swoop. Not even a pizzaped or another cyclist the whole way. Tip o' the cap at the lights and they were off. Been on my bike for about 8 hours today but coming home was the best bit. I have also been to the pub.

    Please train the ones on bikes to be as savvy as those ones.

    Ice Cube - It Was a Good Day - YouTube

  • I was sent this by a family member, from their friendly CSO

    It was written in Comic Sans Font.

    I puked a little.

    Seems legit, even if written for high school informative writing

  • Forgotten I had started this thread back in 2009.. started running to work as its better training than cycling in traffic but god how I miss it.

    Anyway pleased to see it getting a little more love than some of my other posts admitting criminality, maybe i'll return to terrorise londons PCSOs soon

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PCSO's requests

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