Well, I've just finished a pretty good week of cycling. I completed the Raid Pyrenean - the challenge to ride from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean across France in 100 hours. It's 720 km, passes over 18 cols and requires a lot of climbing. I started last Sunday so I suppose it counts a s a weekend ride...
I recorded the days on Strava but there was a bit of a technical blip on day two so the day is in two parts with a bit missing in the midddle:
Well, I've just finished a pretty good week of cycling. I completed the Raid Pyrenean - the challenge to ride from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean across France in 100 hours. It's 720 km, passes over 18 cols and requires a lot of climbing. I started last Sunday so I suppose it counts a s a weekend ride...
I recorded the days on Strava but there was a bit of a technical blip on day two so the day is in two parts with a bit missing in the midddle:
Day 1
Day 2 (part1)
Day 2 (part2)
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
By day three there was pain all over but it was well worth it. I've just about recovered enough to go for a ride again tomorrow....