Worst ride ever. Bigpaintbrush says it's in the bottom ten.
Good points:
Rode with the aforementioned Bigpaintbrush, HMS and Benj (always a pleasure).
HMS and Benj were good enough to head north to us so that we could roll around Essex - very civil of them.
Riding bikes is nice and the banter at the tea shop was top quality.
Bad points:
I've been off the bike for about 4 weeks and approached the ride with all the fitness of Bernard Manning. Benj was feeling crook and HMS had a hangover.
Going up slight slopes felt like the bad old days when i first started riding.
Bigpaintbrush's bibs split down the arse so he was winking at us until we could borrow some packing tape at the tea hut in Epping to save his blushes.
Got a bit lost (not the end of the world).
We did a big fall off. Something to do with greasy roads, a car and a load of ruts in the tarmac. The only one not to fall off was teflon Benj. Bigpaintbrush fell but was inexplicably fine. I cracked my skid lid open and gave myself something of a headache and have a bashed up hand. The worst of us was HMS who clattered his elbow enough to make riding / changing gear etc pretty tricky. He also got too intimate a look at the front of an oncoming car. No impact but enough to make him go pretty pasty and contemplative. Car driver was shocked but a good bloke. He was driving slowly and carefully enough to avoid us when we all tumbled in front of him.
Cut the ride short because half of us couldn't use our handlebars properly.
Took a 'shortcut' back to town and ended up on a shit path by the North Circular - worst route choice possible.
Got home at least an hour earlier than planned and Mrs Wrongcog had a cry because I had a booboo (guilty now).
Crap! All's well though. We don't think anything's too banged up. Back out next week.
Worst ride ever. Bigpaintbrush says it's in the bottom ten.
Good points:
Bad points:
Crap! All's well though. We don't think anything's too banged up. Back out next week.