• Green light is merely an indication of right of way. It doesn't exempt you from looking for other traffic, including fuckwits jumping the red light, before manoeuvring... Mind you, I'm not in any way trying to justify her actions, but like you said, the bikers could (and should) have given the nodder a bit more slack.

    Many bikers, and cyclists for that matter, are killed every year believing blindly in their right of way. Unfortunately right of way doesn't matter shit when negotiating a ten-ton truck operated by an idiot. Well done for calling her out though, hopefully she heard you, and hopefully the whole experience will make her think twice before taking unnecessary chances in the future.

    To be fair to the first bikers who set off, their way was clear when they started moving - the nodder really did come sailing through from Tooley Street very late - not just an amber gambler.
