While you may owe the owner, or their insurer if they pay out, some money, they can not take what you have not got. You should be able to come to some payment plan agreement. If it went to small claims court, that is all that would happen. You may owe some money, but really, don't let it eat you up. They can't go demanding things or sending in bailiffs if you are being reasonable. A rear windscreen and a boot shouldn't cost too much, unless it was a lease contract BMW or Mercedes where a dent could get pricey.
And what ^ he said. Sort yourself out first and get checked out.
While you may owe the owner, or their insurer if they pay out, some money, they can not take what you have not got. You should be able to come to some payment plan agreement. If it went to small claims court, that is all that would happen. You may owe some money, but really, don't let it eat you up. They can't go demanding things or sending in bailiffs if you are being reasonable. A rear windscreen and a boot shouldn't cost too much, unless it was a lease contract BMW or Mercedes where a dent could get pricey.
And what ^ he said. Sort yourself out first and get checked out.