Fake is a strong word.
But if something is not what it appears, and given my limited vocabulary, that's the word I thought suitable, apologies if it offended.
Regarding posting here, some could view it as cowardly, fair enough.
As a minor forum member, a passionate rider and someone who has a couple of Colnagos, eg, a buyer, I stuck it here.
No personal malice or damage to reputations is intended, merely to highlight the uncertainty in that particular model.
I fail to see why direct contact would have been better.
I don't live in London sadly, if I did, I would have probably just ridden over to the shop.
with regards to those 4 "Colnagos" listed
I sometimes get ask to give appraisals on Colnagos (believe it or no) , and here's an example of one I got asked about last week
notice the similar forks, the ones debated have similar, but look at the lugg cut out
we can see at least 4 different frames purporting to be Colnago Sports
Historically, I've never seen a catalog with Colnago sports, the one Greg Softly has is endowed with clovers in the headtube lugging, and has similar fork crowns, though with more shape.
Fake is a strong word.
But if something is not what it appears, and given my limited vocabulary, that's the word I thought suitable, apologies if it offended.
Regarding posting here, some could view it as cowardly, fair enough.
As a minor forum member, a passionate rider and someone who has a couple of Colnagos, eg, a buyer, I stuck it here.
No personal malice or damage to reputations is intended, merely to highlight the uncertainty in that particular model.
I fail to see why direct contact would have been better.
I don't live in London sadly, if I did, I would have probably just ridden over to the shop.
with regards to those 4 "Colnagos" listed
I sometimes get ask to give appraisals on Colnagos (believe it or no) , and here's an example of one I got asked about last week
notice the similar forks, the ones debated have similar, but look at the lugg cut out
not the heart, but clover attempts, too much stalk, I suggested possibly a colner
I also mentioned and highlighted the headtube lugg
here's one Colnago Sport, listed on ebay.it
the headtube has the flourishes more familiar to mainstream Colnagos
and , no rear stay braze on
we can see at least 4 different frames purporting to be Colnago Sports
Historically, I've never seen a catalog with Colnago sports, the one Greg Softly has is endowed with clovers in the headtube lugging, and has similar fork crowns, though with more shape.