I reckon Milton Keynes would be a shitty place to be a HHSB rider. You gonna get run over quick there on the millions of 60 mph roads. Or ride the cycle network and feel like you're totally alone til you get jumped by some 13yr olds on their estate.
It's a post apocalyptic Fahrenheit 451 world. And no-one walks or cycles anywhere.
Milton Keynes redways are OK if you know where you're going - but too often they are full of glass, loose dogs being walked, and anti-social teenagers
the grid roads? horrible - prepare your will
Another vote for MK from me. The last 5 miles of my commute to work consists of either;
60mph dual carridge ways with drivers who seem to have never witnessed a cyclist on the road before, drinking coffee/smoking and reading the paper whilst their kids are doing the same in the back. And the only way so safely negotiate one of the millions of roundabouts seems to be hiding in the shadow of a slow moving bus or lorry, and hoping it doesnt get hit on the other side by a 60mph zafira shaped kamakazi school run fighter. Its bad enough driving round here.
The redways are next to useless, In some areas its probably quicker to walk. If you're not exactly sure where you are going some of them lead to dead ends, half finished housing estates and in one case I ended at a surprise set of stairs, luckily due to the factors Eightball mentioned I wasn't going at any real speed and managed to stop in time.
Another vote for MK from me. The last 5 miles of my commute to work consists of either;
60mph dual carridge ways with drivers who seem to have never witnessed a cyclist on the road before, drinking coffee/smoking and reading the paper whilst their kids are doing the same in the back. And the only way so safely negotiate one of the millions of roundabouts seems to be hiding in the shadow of a slow moving bus or lorry, and hoping it doesnt get hit on the other side by a 60mph zafira shaped kamakazi school run fighter. Its bad enough driving round here.
The redways are next to useless, In some areas its probably quicker to walk. If you're not exactly sure where you are going some of them lead to dead ends, half finished housing estates and in one case I ended at a surprise set of stairs, luckily due to the factors Eightball mentioned I wasn't going at any real speed and managed to stop in time.