Tell us about your weekend ride

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  • Ah that makes sense. Consider those rolling ridges looked at and respected.

    Jealous of your African cycling adventures generally, recent races really stepping it up a gear!

  • I wish I had a GoPro!

    I wish you had a GoPro!

    Awesome write-up.

  • The sister was working at Enfield town show. She'd agreed to demo cargo bikes to punters as part of a general sustainable transport theme the council had going.

    Turns out she needed some volunteer help both days for which I stepped forward. This also allowed me some good hours on the bike solo training, there and back. No secure parking so riding the ratty fixed.

    Took the long way round to Enfield via Radlet and Potters Bar on the Saturday, and realising I was going to be quite late and a poor sibling if I didn't put the power down at Radlet, the last ten miles was an impromptu fixed TT. Return leg was direct, via green lanes, ali-pali, camden. Sunday went direct there and back, equally enjoying and being surprised at the sharpness of the climb up ali-pali this time.

  • First ever race yesterday at Cyclopark in Gravesend. Okay - it was only the novice race at Dulwich Paragon's club champs but it was a decent pace and insanely fun and has given me the taste for it.

    Fucking miserable day for it though.

    Going to do some Cat 3/4 races in the winter series to get sharp for next year.

  • Went to the Brompton Benelux Championship yesterday. 6 trains, 3 countries and one bike race, pretty productive for a Saturday. I have to admit, everyone was a lot faster than I expected, which made things exciting on the wet cobbles. Overall a great event with a lot of friendly people.

  • Today was a day of learning.

    Learning about cadence - I just bought a cadence sensor and now I have proof that my cadence is generally always wrong.

    Learning about irony - I didn't see anyone for miles, then when I bonked (my nutrition strategy, as ever, leaves something to be desired) on the world's smallest hill, a group of relatively attractive cyclists came past.

    Learning about happiness - I got home, and while I had a shower, one of my housemates made me a decaff tea. Then I curled up on an armchair watching the vuelta highlights with my other housemates.

  • Kent with the TMCC boys today. Shortish for us (130k) but lots of hills! Good times, and managed to miss the worst of the weather.

  • Nubie road rider here. Did a nice little ride out in the Epping forest area this morning. Had a 30-ish mile loop planned, then got scared the weather was coming and doubled back at about 12 miles. A few nice rolling hills out them ways. Will have to go back and finish the loop another time.

    Pretty sure I was the only guy out there in sneakers and jeans! Maybe time to invest in some winter road kit... or just road kit in general.

  • Did a ride up Mt Tam here in Marin / SF. Omg it's tall.

    I like how the elevation map makes a volcano! 2499 ft max climb, think my previous highest was like 1000 ft or something. Now time for a nap before meeting fox later

  • Sunday up at 7.15am, out by 8am. Sun was out.
    Decided i was too skint for the train back from Brighton.
    So decided to head out to Guildford and back.... ended up in Woking, cup of tea and a almond croissant, headed home...not alot more to add.... not many hills, bit boring really.
    Too many cars, and didnt enjoy the landscape as much as out to Crawley last week. Anyway 44 miles done...

    More of Sussex on the coming weekends :)

  • After managing only 2 rides over a centuary all year I've been berating myself for lack of miles, rhe summer has been too hot for the long epics. This last weeks autumnal weather acted as a real spur and as the forecast yesterday looked good I committed to a last centuary before the end of days weather descends upon us. I decided a suitable punishment for my lack of riding would be a hilly route exploring new territory, and having heard good things about Ashdown Forest and Knatts valley they formed the bones of the ride which I'd flesh out with a few more side orders of pain, operation last of the summer whine was a go.

    I've battled an addiction to Tunnocks tea cakes for years, my guilt about such weakness is however reduced by the perception of added value I get by cutting up and writing directions on the empty boxes, the best school is the old school. Big thanks to Corlis Benefideo for suggesting some routes around Ashdown Forest, and a lovely descent down Twyford lane that I definately would'nt have discovered otherwise. So route prepped I set off.

    The first 30 miles or so I was familiar with but I thought Surrey had launched a new tourist attraction named pheasant world as my ascent up Beddlestead Lane was accompanied by the paniced flapping and squawking of loads of the pea brained but pretty birds, who undecided as to whether to fly away or run away did a megamix of both. Then up and over Toys Hill, I love the fast descent from there, then it was pretty much all new to me.

    I like to try and get a bit of technical non road sections in so at the 40 mile mark I turned off the B2110 and cut down here:

    As this is not a proper road its not on google streetview so this was the only section that I was'nt able to cyber recce. You start by crossing a golfing hole and then it quickly gets more rugged and wild, this was the only time on the ride I went the wrong way, ending up in someones drive. I then selectively chose not to see a 'private' road section where the track gradually deteriorated into more like a Fort William rock garden than a road, that with 23c tyres could only be negotiated at walking pace. I cycled nervously past about 3 properties hoping no one would set any hounds upon me as there was no speedy exit route available. Thankfully I did'nt see anyone and the route turned into an enchanted wood, I saw 3 deer and despite trying on a couple of occasions to take pics they were not like the Richmond deer, these feckers just would not let me get close enough to take a pic. I then cycled past some really old exposed, knarled and knotted tree roots which I regret not getting a picture of, at the time being too concerned with being a failed Simon King.

    Thankfully the route came out where I'd hoped and then it was onto the Twyford Road section complete with ford at the bottom

    Having had no luck with the deer and with the haunting mocking of King, Nutkins et al in my ear I was determined to get a picture of some animals other than the abundant inside out pheasants and rabbits lying by the side of the road. On the ascent up Birchgrove Lane I saw a cat sat in the road but staring into the grass in hunting mode. For some reason I acted like a wonderstruck numpty who'd never seen a cat before, despite them being probably one of the most widespread animals on earth. I stopped and tried to tempt it over for some strokes but it was'nt having any of it and jumped in the hedge, and despite unleashing my entire reportoire of kitty tempting calls it stayed well out of reach and so I gave up. A few minutes later I cycled past the National Cat Centre and convinced myself the kitty was a recent escapee and could'nt risk exposure, well feck you kitty I'm blowing your cover on the interwebs.

    Then it was a good fast section along Colemans Hatch Road

    and turning off down Kidds Hill, and up the other side, ooof that climb was harsh but at the top the sun came out which seemed as though a higher power approved of my stint being close enough to the bar tape to smell it, and felt a reward was in order. Then there was another great fast section down the B2188.

    One thing about plotting routes through the wilderness is that by their very nature they are a bit lacking in shops, and by the time I got to Sussex Lane my lone water bottle that I'd not filled since Brasted was empty and I was beginning to get a bit worried. Thankfully the Rock Inn appeared and I stopped for a refill and a lager in the empty and sun swamped garden, that beer tasted good. Shortly after the pub stop I passed the lovely Larkin brewery building.

    Having not really paid any attention to the overall route profile when planning the ride, I was now feeling the drain from the constant up and down. It was only when I uploaded the route afterwards I saw exactly how punishing it was, there seemed to be no flats bits at all for the whole ride, and looking at the profile this morning makes me wince. It will come as no surpise when I confirm constant undulation is knackering.

    I crawled up Bayleys, and unfortunately my arrival at Otford and up Rowdow coincided with the after school early rush hour shit fight, and that section was really busy, and a shock to the system after having such a traffic free day up to that point. These concerns quickly vanished as I soft pedalled down a mercifully deserted Knatts Valley Road, another good section. Then it was back over to Knockholt and Biggin Hill before letting gravity take effect to bring me back to civilisation. I'm not sure I've done such a constantly undulating route, even in Wales. It was nowhere near as exciting a location as some on this page, but a hard and really nice route nonetheless. I ache a lot now and decided against riding in favour of a day off. Todays Tunnocks tea cakes will be totally guilt free.

  • ^ Was this today? If so, I was very near you. Great pics, Kent always looks stunning in the sun.

    I did around 50 hilly miles, including my first go up York's Hill. Fuck me it's hard. The gradient is an absolute beast, and just to make it worse, when you hit the steepest (around 20%?) sections, the surface is terrible - my back wheel was slipping all over the place. Anyone who does the Catford CC hill climb up there is a lunatic.

  • No it was yesterday, the weekend came early. I was surprised I only saw about 4 cyclists all day considering how nice the riding is round those parts..

  • Worst ride ever. Bigpaintbrush says it's in the bottom ten.

    Good points:

    • Rode with the aforementioned Bigpaintbrush, HMS and Benj (always a pleasure).
    • HMS and Benj were good enough to head north to us so that we could roll around Essex - very civil of them.
    • Riding bikes is nice and the banter at the tea shop was top quality.

    Bad points:

    • I've been off the bike for about 4 weeks and approached the ride with all the fitness of Bernard Manning. Benj was feeling crook and HMS had a hangover.
    • Going up slight slopes felt like the bad old days when i first started riding.
    • Bigpaintbrush's bibs split down the arse so he was winking at us until we could borrow some packing tape at the tea hut in Epping to save his blushes.
    • Got a bit lost (not the end of the world).
    • We did a big fall off. Something to do with greasy roads, a car and a load of ruts in the tarmac. The only one not to fall off was teflon Benj. Bigpaintbrush fell but was inexplicably fine. I cracked my skid lid open and gave myself something of a headache and have a bashed up hand. The worst of us was HMS who clattered his elbow enough to make riding / changing gear etc pretty tricky. He also got too intimate a look at the front of an oncoming car. No impact but enough to make him go pretty pasty and contemplative. Car driver was shocked but a good bloke. He was driving slowly and carefully enough to avoid us when we all tumbled in front of him.
    • Cut the ride short because half of us couldn't use our handlebars properly.
    • Took a 'shortcut' back to town and ended up on a shit path by the North Circular - worst route choice possible.
    • Got home at least an hour earlier than planned and Mrs Wrongcog had a cry because I had a booboo (guilty now).

    Crap! All's well though. We don't think anything's too banged up. Back out next week.

  • Worst ride ever. Bigpaintbrush says it's in the bottom ten.

    Good points:

    • Rode with the aforementioned Bigpaintbrush, HMS and Benj (always a pleasure).
    • HMS and Benj were good enough to head north to us so that we could roll around Essex - very civil of them.
    • Riding bikes is nice and the banter at the tea shop was top quality.

    Bad points:

    • I've been off the bike for about 4 weeks and approached the ride with all the fitness of Bernard Manning. Benj was feeling crook and HMS had a hangover.
    • Going up slight slopes felt like the bad old days when i first started riding.
    • Bigpaintbrush's bibs split down the arse so he was winking at us until we could borrow some packing tape at the tea hut in Epping to save his blushes.
    • Got a bit lost (not the end of the world).
    • We did a big fall off. Something to do with greasy roads, a car and a load of ruts in the tarmac. The only one not to fall off was teflon Benj. Bigpaintbrush fell but was inexplicably fine. I cracked my skid lid open and gave myself something of a headache and have a bashed up hand. The worst of us was HMS who clattered his elbow enough to make riding / changing gear etc pretty tricky. He also got too intimate a look at the front of an oncoming car. No impact but enough to make him go pretty pasty and contemplative. Car driver was shocked but a good bloke. He was driving slowly and carefully enough to avoid us when we all tumbled in front of him.
    • Cut the ride short because half of us couldn't use our handlebars properly.
    • Took a 'shortcut' back to town and ended up on a shit path by the North Circular - worst route choice possible.
    • Got home at least an hour earlier than planned and Mrs Wrongcog had a cry because I had a booboo (guilty now).

    Crap! All's well though. We don't think anything's too banged up. Back out next week.

    Bloody hell. I'm glad to hear you're all relatively ok, but sorry to hear the tales of woe.

    Jim and I were maybe going to be riding with you all today, but decided to head out a little later instead. We too had a bit of a shit ride, though nothing as dramatic as yours. As a SE Londoner I rarely head north, but the promise of a flattish route and a head down speedy roll persuaded me. Unfortunately my fitness is even more lacking than i feared and to top it off I lost the use of my front mech, meaning any incline was a big ring grind that my legs were less than happy about. And it was busy out there. Cars everywhere. So not a great introduction to Essex, but a pleasure to ride with Jim as ever.

  • HMS, Benj and Wrongcog - real sorry to hear about your ride, and I hope you all heal up / can face getting back on the bike again soon.

    As Tom said, wasn't a very pleasant day out on the bike today. Chapeau to Tom for making it tolerable.

    I too heart the Kent. Best place to ride out to from London by miles, especially for mountain goats such as myself. Living in Hackney does present a bit of a problem in that respect.

  • ^^^Ouch. That sucked.
    Falling in a pile of bikes and bodies as a car is coming the other way is officially rubbish.
    Thought I had done my collarbone at first as I automatically went into the classic hunched over pose with my arm across my body. Quickly knew it was less serious than that but couldn't use the right shifter properly as the elbow is pretty bruised. Not great.

    Thanks for shepherding me home, guys..

    Ha! Just uploaded the ride to strava and I got a KOM..
    Silver Lining..

  • ^^^Ouch. That sucked.
    Falling in a pile of bikes and bodies as a car is coming the other way is officially rubbish.
    Thought I had done my collarbone at first as I automatically went into the classic hunched over pose with my arm across my body. Quickly knew it was less serious than that but couldn't use the right shifter properly as the elbow is pretty bruised. Not great.

    Thanks for shepherding me home, guys..

    HealTFU mate. Glad it wasn't worse. The thought of staring at the front end of a car after stacking it is one of my biggest fears.

  • Had a pretty uneventful ride compared to everyone else- did the majority of the ROTFL course, snipping off the bit after Westerham as my friend was flagging a bit.

    Taking a quick break halfway up Toys:

  • Had a pretty busy weekend of cycling. Saturday I reduced my 25 mile pb to 58.27 (which is still poor.)

    Please excuse my awful helmet potition in this photo.

    Followed it up today with my club's hilly 100 mile audax. Started off with the fast boys and did silly things like racing up hills but started to suffer a bit so got dropped on the flatter section. Switched my wheel around from the 18t to the 19t and spun along on my tod for a bit, before I got caught by the second group. Dragged them along for about 10 miles, then got my second puncture (never use planet x tubes, three splits right along the seam), and they left me to deal with it. Got gifted a tube from another club member, and then took it easy for the rest of the ride playing cat and mouse with a few other guys. Second hilly section at 75 miles nearly finished me off and I was running on vapour for the last 5 miles, but happy to finish with a 17+mph average and get another fixed century in the bag.

  • TTM & Jim. We'd have been stronger in greater numbers. Lets not give up on Essex completely just yet. Some great rolls can be had out there. Today was jinxed from word go. I had a funny feeling about it.

    Hope to roll with you soon.

    Heal up HMS I gather you're feeling quite bashed up. Just took the sponges out if my helmet and its cracked right the way up one side. Hmm >>>>>> helmet thread.

    Either way it left me with a good helmet shaped bruise on my noggin. Wouldn't have got that in just a ride cap :)

    Happy riding all.

  • Well, I've just finished a pretty good week of cycling. I completed the Raid Pyrenean - the challenge to ride from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean across France in 100 hours. It's 720 km, passes over 18 cols and requires a lot of climbing. I started last Sunday so I suppose it counts a s a weekend ride...

    I recorded the days on Strava but there was a bit of a technical blip on day two so the day is in two parts with a bit missing in the midddle:

    Day 1

    Day 2 (part1)

    Day 2 (part2)

    Day 3

    Day 4

    Day 5

    By day three there was pain all over but it was well worth it. I've just about recovered enough to go for a ride again tomorrow....

  • Chapeau sir.

    How was the weather?

  • Chapeau sir.

    How was the weather?

    Thank you. And thanks for the link to your blog - it really helped to read a good first hand account before I went.

    The weather was pretty good on the whole, a bit of drizzle in the mornings and some cold/misty cols but otherwise usually warm and sunny without being baking hot so we were pretty lucky.

  • Had a gentle bimble out today from Berkhamsted via Wendover. We are - ahem - tapering for l'Eroica, so nothing too strenous.

    The best bit was some fun with a local club rider who went past us but couldn't drop us on the flattish, fast section through Aston Clinton. First, my mate Chris had a go and then I blitzed him as well, both of us on pre-1987 steel.

    Later, we were in the local pub on the canal back in Berko and I saw him returning to the flats opposite. I shouted across the water and invited him in for a pint. Several London Prides later and we are friends in beer. Seems he got dropped by the local club ride (nobody' s supposed to get dropped on a Sunday ride, apparently) and was feeling pretty sorry for himself when a bunch of fat, old knackers blasted past him on supermarket trollies.

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Tell us about your weekend ride

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