can I have a bowl with messyrage/chrispeacock's gurning face on it tho LOL
Bowl list
spotter (but i'd like mine with dodi instead pls)
Bowls will be back after the 28th.
Tell me what you want and I'll do it. I actually need it to complete a porfolio for the leve 2 exam (specifically in Pottery - Decorating Techniques).
It's all underglaze, not some printed shite. It's hard to get it right, as it's a bit like painting on top of chalk with a wet brush dipped in icing sugar.
Bowls will be back after the 28th.
Tell me what you want and I'll do it. I actually need it to complete a porfolio for the leve 2 exam (specifically in Pottery - Decorating Techniques).
It's all underglaze, not some printed shite. It's hard to get it right, as it's a bit like painting on top of chalk with a wet brush dipped in icing sugar.
I'll make another thread for that.