I've got the cheap 50mm f1.8 canon lens, and a stock 18-55mm the camera came with. Not sure if that's what you mean though. I've mainly been doing street photography and the odd landscape but thought it would be fun to give this sort of thing a try.
Thanks for the advice, didn't think I'd get this much of a response to be honest!
Would it be an idea to underexpose the shots a bit so I can shoot a bit faster and then bring it back in Lightroom?
I've got the cheap 50mm f1.8 canon lens, and a stock 18-55mm the camera came with. Not sure if that's what you mean though. I've mainly been doing street photography and the odd landscape but thought it would be fun to give this sort of thing a try.
Thanks for the advice, didn't think I'd get this much of a response to be honest!
Would it be an idea to underexpose the shots a bit so I can shoot a bit faster and then bring it back in Lightroom?