I'm old so passed before the theory bit existed. My pal recently passed and told me the theory was hard. I had a go. It was pimps*.
I wasn't even wearing a helmet and laid down 40 out if 40. Boom.
I also passed before there was a maximum number of minor errors, so long as you didn't make the same mistake 3 times. I scored 23 which the examiner said was the most he'd ever awarded. Win.
kids still say pimps, yeh?
Theory wasn't around when I did it either. I dunno, my mate failed for reattempting a manoeuvre because when he's nervous he becomes a bit of a perfectionist. When I did the test, I explained why I shouldn't have done something I had in fact done and the examiner said 'okay, as long as you know' and passed me.
Theory wasn't around when I did it either. I dunno, my mate failed for reattempting a manoeuvre because when he's nervous he becomes a bit of a perfectionist. When I did the test, I explained why I shouldn't have done something I had in fact done and the examiner said 'okay, as long as you know' and passed me.