• #2
Post a thread on Pignon Fixe maybe?
• #4
yeah that view is not bad :-p
• #6
If no one gets back to you, it looks like pignonfixie have essentially a tuesday night ride club. With your time schedule I'm not sure if you could make the whole ride but - just like us - they post their strava results. I think you could cobble together a pretty lovely route around Paris with what they've done...
http://www.pignonfixe.com/showthread.php?tid=17985&page=244 -
• #7
Hi there !
I read your message on PignonFixe, I'm confuse are you in Paris on Monday or Tuesday ? If It's on Tuesday, I can give you a tour. Send me a "MP" my name is Hillo on Pignon Fixe. -
• #8
PM'd on Pignon Fixe.
[can't believe i fucked up the title]
I'll be in Paris on TUESDAY evening and it would be cool to meet up with anyone who can give me a quick tour en vélo around Paris for a few hours. Arriving around 5 and going to catch the late Eurostar back to LDN at 9:30. Would gladly buy you dinner in return!
Hit me up x