i'm raising awareness for a cause and money for a charity via a Facebook Page.
i would love for anyone interested to comment and share the page as it will hopefully help with that.
two weeks ago i set off on a casual little jaunt from London to St Tropez. the Facebook Page tells the whole story, so i wont do so again here.
i learnt a huge amount about how to prepare for and how to undertake distance, and now can contribute to the appropriate threads. however if anyone has any questions specific to my journey (e.g. route, equipment) then it's probably good that this trip has it's own thread so i can answer them here. i originally sought advice in a thread but figure it's best to start a new one.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/brbuckleylondonsttropez2013
I feel its a great platform to promote the cause, so please do get involved on the page!
I - on a 9 day delay - uploaded two videos for each day of the first 6 days; a video diary recorded each night, and a video with commentary over the photos/ Strava from each day.
The Facebook (non-cyclist) audience will generally have different interests than those on here have, so the videos on FB are a bit short on bike related chat.
In time I'll make a couple of videos that cover bike/ gear/ cycling issues across the whole trip and put them to Facebook. I imagine they will be more interesting to those on here.
i'm raising awareness for a cause and money for a charity via a Facebook Page.
i would love for anyone interested to comment and share the page as it will hopefully help with that.
two weeks ago i set off on a casual little jaunt from London to St Tropez. the Facebook Page tells the whole story, so i wont do so again here.
i learnt a huge amount about how to prepare for and how to undertake distance, and now can contribute to the appropriate threads. however if anyone has any questions specific to my journey (e.g. route, equipment) then it's probably good that this trip has it's own thread so i can answer them here.
i originally sought advice in a thread but figure it's best to start a new one.
I feel its a great platform to promote the cause, so please do get involved on the page!
I - on a 9 day delay - uploaded two videos for each day of the first 6 days; a video diary recorded each night, and a video with commentary over the photos/ Strava from each day.
The Facebook (non-cyclist) audience will generally have different interests than those on here have, so the videos on FB are a bit short on bike related chat.
In time I'll make a couple of videos that cover bike/ gear/ cycling issues across the whole trip and put them to Facebook. I imagine they will be more interesting to those on here.
Route & Photos
Day 1
London to Dover, 136km
Calais to Divion, 82km
Day 2
Divion to Courmelois, 234km
Day 3
Courmelois to Lanty-sur-Aube, 176km
Day 4
Lanty-sur-Aube to Cluny, 218km
Day 5
Cluny to St Vallier, 171km
Day 6
St Vallier to Bonnieux, 209km
Day 7
Bonnieux to St Tropez, 187km
It was an incredible experience. I really recommend everyone try something that they believe to be beyond them - you may be surprised!