So I'm building up the aforementioned S2C and I'm trying to figure out the gearing issue. Is it as easy as just multiplying the gear inches you want by 1.38 and thats it? Cause if it is there is quite a big jump of almost 20GI, and a 1st gear that I'll probably never use..
so if built up straight out of the box with the 22t rear cog it works out to be:
45/22 = 53.7 GI 1st, then 74.1 GI 2nd.
To get a more sensible gear (closer to what I normally ride in town) I'd have to swap out the rear cog for a 24 or 25 so it'd be:
45/24 = 49.3 GI 1st, then 68.0 GI 2nd. Or
45/25 = 47.3 GI 1st, then 65.2 GI 2nd.
Any thoughts, suggestions, corrections to my maths is appreciated.
So I'm building up the aforementioned S2C and I'm trying to figure out the gearing issue. Is it as easy as just multiplying the gear inches you want by 1.38 and thats it? Cause if it is there is quite a big jump of almost 20GI, and a 1st gear that I'll probably never use..
so if built up straight out of the box with the 22t rear cog it works out to be:
45/22 = 53.7 GI 1st, then 74.1 GI 2nd.
To get a more sensible gear (closer to what I normally ride in town) I'd have to swap out the rear cog for a 24 or 25 so it'd be:
45/24 = 49.3 GI 1st, then 68.0 GI 2nd. Or
45/25 = 47.3 GI 1st, then 65.2 GI 2nd.
Any thoughts, suggestions, corrections to my maths is appreciated.
many thanks