At a bit after 9 this morning I rode by an accident on the eastbound carriageway of Millbank just near the Morpeth Arms.
There were plenty of police (2 cars) and an ambulance on site. I didn't stop as there appeared to be other cyclists with the injured person.
The worrying thing was that just in front of the ambulance there was a HGV stopped - no idea if it was involved or not - it's just an odd place for one to stop otherwise.
I could see one woman sat down on the pavement being attended to - she was wearing cycling gear and didn't look too badly injured (I always get v scared when I see such a scene but she was concious and chattign away etc) The way she was sat/held herself suggested a broken collar bone - but that's mere speculation.
At a bit after 9 this morning I rode by an accident on the eastbound carriageway of Millbank just near the Morpeth Arms.
There were plenty of police (2 cars) and an ambulance on site. I didn't stop as there appeared to be other cyclists with the injured person.
The worrying thing was that just in front of the ambulance there was a HGV stopped - no idea if it was involved or not - it's just an odd place for one to stop otherwise.
I could see one woman sat down on the pavement being attended to - she was wearing cycling gear and didn't look too badly injured (I always get v scared when I see such a scene but she was concious and chattign away etc) The way she was sat/held herself suggested a broken collar bone - but that's mere speculation.
Anyone know what happened?
Either way heal up soon!