I took a poundland front light and wrapped the lens cover in christmas pudding red cellophane its great!
trouble is I must now wait until January 2014 to buy the pudding cheap to get more red festive cellophane
You want cheap rear: http://bit.ly/1duvPu2 http://bit.ly/17uGWOz
The second one the bracket breaks very easily and having 9 different ways of flashing just means you have to click about 16 times to turn it off (the first 7 to get too off, then one more by accident and another 8 to cycle round again), but for a pound delivered I don't mind taping it on!
You want cheap rear:
The second one the bracket breaks very easily and having 9 different ways of flashing just means you have to click about 16 times to turn it off (the first 7 to get too off, then one more by accident and another 8 to cycle round again), but for a pound delivered I don't mind taping it on!