I've done about 10 miles as it is in the top picture. When I first tried it I hadn't fitted the 19mm tubes between the crank, head and seat post. It was fine in a straight line, but when I did a U turn in the street it got a bit flexi! Now it rides like my Carlton that I used for the geometry, only heavier.
The circles do add to the strength, so they are not just cosmetic.
I've got another idea for my next bike..........:-)
I've done about 10 miles as it is in the top picture. When I first tried it I hadn't fitted the 19mm tubes between the crank, head and seat post. It was fine in a straight line, but when I did a U turn in the street it got a bit flexi! Now it rides like my Carlton that I used for the geometry, only heavier.
The circles do add to the strength, so they are not just cosmetic.
I've got another idea for my next bike..........:-)