The long-term rational thing to do would be harvest helium from natural gas extraction well beyond current economic demand and store it for the coming centuries. Markets just don't work on those time-scales
If there is an economic argument for stockpiling Helium, somebody will do it. Doing stuff now for the sake of the future isn't free, lots of cool stuff won't happen at all if we spend all our money on Helium stockpiling. If you think the He price is going to go through the roof, start buying cylinders of it as heirlooms to hand down to your descendants.
If there is an economic argument for stockpiling Helium, somebody will do it. Doing stuff now for the sake of the future isn't free, lots of cool stuff won't happen at all if we spend all our money on Helium stockpiling. If you think the He price is going to go through the roof, start buying cylinders of it as heirlooms to hand down to your descendants.