Halfords are actually the cheapest I've found them, 15% off with British Cycling discount and free delivery.
I'm very tempted by them, just a little wary about strength and braking, have seen people say they've been fine on the roads and they've used brakes but then Wiggle and Evans both say track only.
Would be great to hear more from anyone who's used them.
Think building my own is a non-starter unfortunately, would have to pay someone to build them so would be looking at around £60-70 for that I guess so unless I could get something amazingly cheap to build would be a bit too expensive.
Halfords are actually the cheapest I've found them, 15% off with British Cycling discount and free delivery.
I'm very tempted by them, just a little wary about strength and braking, have seen people say they've been fine on the roads and they've used brakes but then Wiggle and Evans both say track only.
Would be great to hear more from anyone who's used them.
Think building my own is a non-starter unfortunately, would have to pay someone to build them so would be looking at around £60-70 for that I guess so unless I could get something amazingly cheap to build would be a bit too expensive.