So, that's it then. Finished just in time for the bad weather! I might get a few rides before the winter bike gets top billing again.
Happy enough, still a desire for deep carbon rims though. I have to say the welds are not the best but you get what you pay for. One day a Moots will be mine.
I would really like a Ti seatpost with a bit of layback too. Thing is I'll need to shell out big money for a Ti one. Been thinking a silver Thomson might do a job for less than half the price. I like the idea of all silver at the seat post area and all black at the cockpit.
I did have one on an Ti MTB a while ago and it blended in nicely.
Im aware that the ugly Ultegra chainset is ugly but funds wont allow a whimsical change to a more attractive alternative.
So, that's it then. Finished just in time for the bad weather! I might get a few rides before the winter bike gets top billing again.
Happy enough, still a desire for deep carbon rims though. I have to say the welds are not the best but you get what you pay for. One day a Moots will be mine.
I would really like a Ti seatpost with a bit of layback too. Thing is I'll need to shell out big money for a Ti one. Been thinking a silver Thomson might do a job for less than half the price. I like the idea of all silver at the seat post area and all black at the cockpit.
I did have one on an Ti MTB a while ago and it blended in nicely.
Im aware that the ugly Ultegra chainset is ugly but funds wont allow a whimsical change to a more attractive alternative.