"Bicycle helmets are specifically never ever marketed on "safety", "speed" or anything like that at all. Even any standards information eg CE**** will be an unexplained bullet point, or a footnote. Advertisements and packaging will also never mention this, neither will it be on the manufacturers website product pages. At the most they use "venting", "comfort" or "fit" but never anything to actually suggest the product actually provides protection at any "speed". "
Think you'll find that marketing safety equipment/features in any shape or from is very tricky business... Of course, in some cases, you can create scare campaigns and/or play on the fear factor card, but generally speaking companies targeting general public consumers, do not want their product associated with blood and horror, let alone potential injury and death. Similarly you rarely see airline advertising campaigns focusing on company safety records.
Think you'll find that marketing safety equipment/features in any shape or from is very tricky business... Of course, in some cases, you can create scare campaigns and/or play on the fear factor card, but generally speaking companies targeting general public consumers, do not want their product associated with blood and horror, let alone potential injury and death. Similarly you rarely see airline advertising campaigns focusing on company safety records.