I really do think that it is like saying "black muggers are a problem". No - the problem is muggers, not black muggers. The problem is not helmet wearing undertakers, it is undertakers.
except she did not say "helmet wearers are a problem".
she said a certain type of cyclist who wears a helmet is a problem in a very specific way, where the "problem" is not road safety as such, but the perception of what a safe cyclist looks like. that paragraph is clearly part of the rest of the post, it is about how people judge different cyclists by appearance, including whether they are wearing a helmet or not.
except she did not say "helmet wearers are a problem".
she said a certain type of cyclist who wears a helmet is a problem in a very specific way, where the "problem" is not road safety as such, but the perception of what a safe cyclist looks like. that paragraph is clearly part of the rest of the post, it is about how people judge different cyclists by appearance, including whether they are wearing a helmet or not.
really I thought it was quite clear.