• #1877
Anyone needing a third player for the LO? I'm coming down from Glasgow but don't have a team...
Martin was looking for a third. He is not very ladylike though.
• #1878
Jackie are you playing in the Open?
• #1879
Jackie are you playing in the Open?
Unfortunately I am not here that weekend but I would have watched (meaning sat around with beer) rather than played anyway.
Yokata - I have told Martin about your post.
• #1880
you should definitely play in the beginners tournament at Westway.
• #1881
Is ladies polo on tonight ?
• #1882
I don't think so Kev Everyone is too busy with LO stuff
• #1883
• #1885
Found this... with Jess...
http://bikesmut.tumblr.com/post/59513202559/bicipolotapatio-en-guadalajara-tambien-hay -
• #1886
The only 'safe for work' post on Bike Smut! haha.
• #1887
The only 'safe for work' post on Bike Smut! haha.
• #1888
Last day to register to vote for Ladies Army:
• #1889
Register for the Worlds Ladies Bench (on the Sunday):
Registered players:
• #1890
Ladies Army bids are in Today. Toronto has submitted a nice bid, 4 big courts (1 hockey rink, and 3 courts built on 7 tennis courts). And a familiar face behind the computer, looking after the format and streaming ;)
I really hope we get it, and loads of you come over for it.
So vote Toronto! (obviously I've not seen the other bids, they might be just as good, or better)
• #1891
Also, some spam, Chandel (Toronto bike polo) is launching a women's cycling jeans brand, so check out her page, and the competition to win a pair, if you send a picture of jeans you've ruined cycling: https://www.facebook.com/RYBDenim
• #1892
H Bomb, is that bid for the place on the islands, or is it Trinity Bellwoods?
And what dates is it? Even approx? We'll be there during the summer, could probably try to coincide.
• #1893
H Bomb, is that bid for the place on the islands, or is it Trinity Bellwoods?
And what dates is it? Even approx? We'll be there during the summer, could probably try to coincide.
Neither (I've heard the surface is shitty on the Islands, and it is for sure at Bellwoods).
Riverdale East Park:
Probably late June/early July
Oh, and there is a pool next to the court.
• #1894
That's my old neighbourhood! YES! Close to my bro's if he isn't in town, could probably host a select few with us.
• #1895
Wow, polo in the east end, those west end hipsters will be well out of their comfort zone!
I used to live near that park too, at the Gerrard Street end. Fantastic hill for sledding in the snowtime. Late June will be roasting hot, thats when we were there this year... some of the days were nearing 40C with the humidity index. We'll see, I think we were planning on going when it wasnt so uncomfortable for the kid...
• #1896
It's Toronto vs Las Vegas.
So get voting: https://leagueofbikepolo.com/ladiesarmy6/bids
• #1897
Voted CHECK! shitty that it's so late in the year though... I mean for TO. What are the risks that it runs too close to the Euros?
• #1898
Four courts and a swimming pool vs. two courts ? Over before its begun !
We're gonna be going anyway so may as well make it coincide.
• #1899
Voted CHECK! shitty that it's so late in the year though... I mean for TO. What are the risks that it runs too close to the Euros?
Well, hopefully whoever organises it won't let it clash, would be pretty shitty, as it's one of the major events on the polo calendar these days.
• #1900
I know... And it's traditionally held in spring... what the hey TO! meh, good excuse to visit Canadia though. Having fun Hbomb? Still spending loads of time on the London forum I see ;) You been booted out of LPC yet? hehehe
Anyone needing a third player for the LO? I'm coming down from Glasgow but don't have a team...