While it might be interesting to have your information presented back to you from meand23, do you actually get the raw sequence data? Or do they look after it for, do a bit of "you come from here!" "you are predisposed to this!" analysis, and then do more mining stuff in the background with you and others sequence data.
While it might be interesting to have your information presented back to you from meand23, do you actually get the raw sequence data? Or do they look after it for, do a bit of "you come from here!" "you are predisposed to this!" analysis, and then do more mining stuff in the background with you and others sequence data.
The big genome projects are finished (man, mouse, worm, fly, fish). BGI (http://www.technologyreview.com/featuredstory/511051/inside-chinas-genome-factory/) are doing mental things in terms of size of projects and in terms of the way data is published.