There's no "hard" limit on speed at sea level (well, not until stuff starts melting, and you can put that off until about Mach 3 with the right material choices), but if your wing has enough lift for full payload when out of ground effect, the assumption would be that flying in ground effect would be done at reduced speed. The combination of low speed + long range indicates flying times well in excess of 24h, e.g. the Pelican concept 10000nm range at 240kt cruise in ground effect gives a 41h duration, but with 1200t payload I don't suppose the extra weight of bunks for the relief crew would be a big hindrance.
There's no "hard" limit on speed at sea level (well, not until stuff starts melting, and you can put that off until about Mach 3 with the right material choices), but if your wing has enough lift for full payload when out of ground effect, the assumption would be that flying in ground effect would be done at reduced speed. The combination of low speed + long range indicates flying times well in excess of 24h, e.g. the Pelican concept 10000nm range at 240kt cruise in ground effect gives a 41h duration, but with 1200t payload I don't suppose the extra weight of bunks for the relief crew would be a big hindrance.